Today we try to come to make oneself known to someone with Thai food by have this menu presents to are first menu. First menu of today is "TomYumGung" (spicy lemongrass shrimp soup).You know? If still we try to come to see a picture before please.
this be.... TomYumGung (spicy lemongrass shrimp soup)
Now we come to start....
Spicy lemongrass shrimp soup
1. 400 gram shrimps
2. 4 cup waters
3. salt
4. the galingale slices
5. the shallot burns to pound
6. the lemongrass has pounded then cut to divide
7. Leech Lime leaf to rip
8. 20 gram mushrooms
9. 10 tiny chilis
10. the fish sauce
11. lime juice
12. the sugar
13. Thai parsley slices
The way does
1. wash the shrimp cleanly cut shrimp moustache and shrimp leg have abandoned finished then take shrimp shell already split straight shrimp back for take the part that have black go out.
2. Wash a mushroom cleanly then cut to divide have just right size.
3. Boil the water has and to wait for water just off the boil already add lemongrass salt mushroom galingale leech lime leaf and the shallot burn.
4. Wait for water just off the boil then to add the shrimp
5. Wait for cooked shrimp then to add fish sauce lime juice chili and the sugar flavor that like.
6. Finished already extinguish a fire last step sprinkles with Thai parsley.
Spicy lemongrass shrimp soup should eat while, hot and must eat things to eat with hot rice will then delicious most.
this be.... TomYumGung (spicy lemongrass shrimp soup)
Now we come to start....
Spicy lemongrass shrimp soup
1. 400 gram shrimps
2. 4 cup waters
3. salt
4. the galingale slices
5. the shallot burns to pound
6. the lemongrass has pounded then cut to divide
7. Leech Lime leaf to rip
8. 20 gram mushrooms
9. 10 tiny chilis
10. the fish sauce
11. lime juice
12. the sugar
13. Thai parsley slices
The way does
1. wash the shrimp cleanly cut shrimp moustache and shrimp leg have abandoned finished then take shrimp shell already split straight shrimp back for take the part that have black go out.
2. Wash a mushroom cleanly then cut to divide have just right size.
3. Boil the water has and to wait for water just off the boil already add lemongrass salt mushroom galingale leech lime leaf and the shallot burn.
4. Wait for water just off the boil then to add the shrimp
5. Wait for cooked shrimp then to add fish sauce lime juice chili and the sugar flavor that like.
6. Finished already extinguish a fire last step sprinkles with Thai parsley.
Spicy lemongrass shrimp soup should eat while, hot and must eat things to eat with hot rice will then delicious most.