Welcome to Thaifood blog.

Are you know Thai food? And you know? that , Thailand is in on which part of world map someone know but , someone , still unknow for you who know and you who still unknow me will explain listen Thailand are very small country are in Asia the southeast have the language and the culture are belong to oneself about 95% of a Thai use Thai are pillar language and about 95% of a Thai respect the Buddhism and Thai food are the food that have the outstanding in the sense of the food that have spicy and have the identity in doing by something all components at have in Thailand ( , there is especial in Thailand ) , come to use in the cooking by use fresh components and are worthy nutrition many way make Thai food are the food that are worthy nutrition many way have eaten then are valuable with the body something and Thai food still use of Thailand herbs at are valuable are worthy nutrition way come to are the components in the cooking. Everybody has can to cook a meal Thai not difficult too much only s have everybody intention, can do Thai food that is famous go to the worldwide is spicy lemongrass shrimp soup is the food that has spicy and have the delicious many. Source tourist tours Thailand everybody when, reach food Thai shop must order spicy lemongrass shrimp soup comes to eat everybody. When, ask that, is Thai delicious food? All right the answer that, Thai food has the delicious and strange very he never to have a meal that spicy and delicious likes this him like Thai many food, but, if, you don't believe in to try ask a person who you has known that ever to tour Thailand has come to already that, is Thai delicious food as me tells? , but, I believe in that, if, you have tried to have a meal Thai you must like Thai food certainly. I hope that, the data in Blog, this will valuable with you.
Please give one's opinion and vote the points with.

วันจันทร์ที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Herbs and the components that use in the cooking

Herbs and the components that use in the cooking

1. KarChay
The name is ordinary - ?
The name is scientific - Boesenbergia pandurata Holtt.

2. Kmin
The name is ordinary - Turmeric,Curcuma
The name is scientific - Curcuma Longa Linn

3. King
The name is ordinary - Ginger
The name is scientific - Zingiber officinalis Roscoe.

4. Ka
The name is ordinary - Glalangal, Greater Galangal,Chinese Ginger
The name is scientific - Languas galanga Sw.,Alpinia galanga Stunz

5. Takai
The name is ordinary - Lemon Grass, Lapine
The name is scientific – Cymbopogon citrates (DC. Ex Nees) Stapf.

6. Baimagood
The name is ordinary – Leech Lime leaf, Kaffir Lime leaf, Porcupine orange leaf.
The name is scientific – Citrus hystrix DC

7. Manow
The name is ordinary – lemon, Common lime, Lime
The name is scientific – Citrus aurantifolia Swing.

8. Makam
The name is ordinary – Tamarind
The name is scientific – Tamarindus indica Linn.

9. Homdang
The name is ordinary – Shallot
The name is scientific – Allium ascalonicum Linn.

10. Kartam
The name is ordinary – Garlic
The name is scientific – Allium sativum Linn.
Family – AMARYLLIDACEAE (at first be – LILIACEAE)

11. Prigthai
The name is ordinary – Pepper, Black Pepper
The name is scientific – Piper nigrum Linn

12. Prigkinoo
The name is ordinary – Bird Chilli
The name is scientific – Capsicum frutescens Linn.

13. Pakchee
The name is ordinary – Coriander
The name is scientific – Coriandrum sativum Linn.

14. Sarana
The name is ordinary – ?
The name is scientific – Mental cordifolia Opiz.
Family – Labiatae

15. Kaporw
The name is ordinary – basil, Sugar Apple, Sweetsop, Custard Apple
The name is scientific – Annona squamosa Linn.

16. Horapa
The name is ordinary – Common Basil, Sweet Basil
The name is scientific – Ocimum basilicum Linn.

17. Manglux
The name is ordinary – Labiatae, Hairy Basil
The name is scientific – Ocimum americana Linn.

Spicy lemongrass snake-head fish soup

Spicy lemongrass snake-head fish soup


1. 1 snake-head fish
2. 3 coconut cup creams
3. the lemongrass has pounded then cut 2
4. the galingale slices 3
5. the leech lime leaf 4
6. dry chili burns 2
7. the shallot burns 5
8. the garlic burns 5
9. 3 tablespoon fish sauce
10. 3 lime juices are tablespoon
11. tiny chili pounds 15
12. 1 coconut creams are cup
13. mushroom

The way does

1. take the snake-head fish comes to abrade the scale of a fish all has washed then behead the fish splits fish head is the head vacates 4 cut 2 cheeks sides s beside go out to cut bilateral eyes sits down the fish splits middle straight fish stomach takes the fish maw and otherly have departed fish stomach all already wash cleanly bring to chop are just enough size.
2. add the water in a pot moderately uses heat fire moderately has in doing already adds coconut cream adds the lemongrass pounds to add the galingale slices to add the leech lime leaf, rip add dry chili burns to pluck is add the shallot burns to add the garlic burns to peel slice in a pot .
3. While, water just off the boil adds the fish in a pot.
4. already add a mushroom adds the fish sauce adds lime juice and wait for cooked fish then add tiny chili have pounded then taste to flavor that like.
5. Already add coconut cream adds parsley leek is last step.
6. The finished.

Must eat while, spicy lemongrass snake-head fish soup is hotting and should eat things to eat with rice which are hotting with (, for the delicious most in eating spicy lemongrass soup the snake-head fish)

Should know
Should use raw everything location material in Thailand for, the food has the delicious most.

Spicy lemongrass chicken soup

Spicy lemongrass chicken soup

1.1 chicken
2.the lemongrass slices
3.the galingale slices 3
4.a mushroom slices
5.the lemongrass has pounded then cut 2
6.the shallot burns 5
7.the garlic burns 5
8.dry chili burns 7
9.the fish sauce
10lime juice
11.the leech lime leaf 4
12.the leek and Thai parsley slice

The step next is the way does

1. Wash a chicken cleanly then cut to is moderately ( , in this step if , eat many persons use a chicken all over )

2. Add the chicken and chicken bone have in a pot already add fresh until water have flooded the chicken already use heat fire moderately in doing spicy lemongrass soup.

3. Finished already add the lemongrass pounds and the lemongrass have sliced that reserve then add salt galingale the leech lime leaf, rip.

4. Finished then simmer until, the chicken will cooked is soft.

5. When, cooked chicken then add a mushroom down goes to.

6. Finished then wait for about 5 minute for , cooked finished mushroom then penetrate the lemongrass the shallot burns , the garlic burns the chili burns and the galingale crushedly then add in a pot stir dissolve ( , in this step if , like many spicies add the chili s burn plentiful if , do not like many spicies add the chili s burn moderately )

7. Boil go to wait for water just off the boil then to add fish lime juice sauce tastes and flavor that like.

8. Finished already lift a pot down adds the leek and the parsley which reserve to come to add are last step.

Must eat while, spicy lemongrass chicken soup is hotting and should eat things to eat with rice which are hotting with (, for the delicious most in eating spicy lemongrass soup a chicken)

Should know
Should use the components and everything location ingredients in Thailand for , spicy lemongrass chicken soup has will the delicious most and to important if , use natives of Thailand chicken will best.

วันเสาร์ที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

วันศุกร์ที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

The worth of Thai herbs

1. The cowpea protects the disease taut protects the hypertension

2. A tomato maintains the complexion, give the vitamin C

3. The garlic helps to decrease fat level s in cancer binginfected blood s cure the skin from fungus sperm

4. Lime juice drives phlegm s repair thirsty repair the apthous ulcer s maintain the blood s treat to bleed follow the mark left by the teeth

5. Tamarind water is light laxative

By this time we will teach the way penetrates, Somtum Thai add a crab

By this time we will teach the way penetrates, Somtum Thai add a crab.

The step is first.

Prepare the compound.

1. The papaya chops
2. cowpea
3. tomato
4. chili is tiny
5. dried shrimp
6. garlic
7. lime juice
8. tamarind water
9. fish sauce
10. sugar
11. a crab is pickling
12. the fish sauce boils

The way does

1. Add tiny garlic chili has appeareded a mortar already penetrates tiny chili and enough [when] crushed garlic.

2.from that time add the papaya and the fish sauce boil before then , add pickling cowpea tomato dried shrimp crab then to penetrate in order to , everything components mixes good.

3 Finished then, add fish lime juice water tamarind sugar sauce then to flavor follow the liking already eats things to eat with rice sticky roasting chicken vegetables cabbage pair and the cowpea.


Often generally understand that , Somtum is natives food of of Thailand northeast , or , of the People's Democratic Republic of Laos but , the truth has already Somtum regards modern food originates can come to 40 just year only because of , the papaya is the plant imports to are from Malasia country during Vietnam war which , that The United States of America time has come in to stand the military base in Thailand and have building a road friendship for use in arms transportation together with , get lead papaya seed goes to grow follow two the sideways of friendship road that's why , the papaya has then to travel reach of Thailand northeast and are born are dish food pluck type Somtum go up Somtum then are dish food pluck for who like smack food are bold and still are popular in tourist foreigner group who come in to tour in Thailand become to regular nation meal have gone to already Somtum mean sour food at change something the papaya salad penetrate very are group one food with will throw off by lead the vegetables and the fruit come to mix already altogether mix blend with something the papaya salad penetrate Thai are Somtum like [ model ] , the base adds the dried shrimp and the groundnut will roast to have spicy sweet smack and sour sometimes might add pickling crab call that , Somtum Thai add majority crab will use raw papaya comes to penetrate in a mortar and groundnut tomato have roasted dried chili shrimp and the garlic already flavor with bucket fish sauce lemon sugar emphasize sour smack and spicy generally like to have things to eat with rice sticky pair and the roasting chicken by have cabbage vegetables or , the cowpea is side Somtum that dishes abounds to measure varied depend upon that , will have the initiator searches can upward.